About Me…


A brief overview of my professional accomplishments and academic affiliations is listed below, and I am happy to provide a full CV if requested. Not included are my fondness for avant-garde metal, cats, vinyl records, black coffee, vinyasa yoga, disc golf, the theremin, cats again, and The Simpsons (seasons 3-10). 


Ph.D. – The Pennsylvania State University (counseling education and supervision)

M.S.Ed. – Duquesne University (counseling education and supervision)

Post Graduate Training – The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Cognitive Therapy

Licensed Psychologist (PA - PS017732)


Fulbright Program, United States Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs - Fulbright Specialist, three-year tenure (2019-2024; extended by two additional years due to COVID 19). 

Pennsylvania Counseling Association President’s Award, 2018  - Awarded by the Pennsylvania Counseling Association for contributions to the executive committee.

Pennsylvania Branch of the American Counseling Association - President, Summer 2016 – Summer, 2017.